Error codes v55

When Migration Toolkit encounters a problem, it issues a notification in the form of an error code and a message.

Each error code begins with the prefix MTK- followed by five digits. The first two digits denote the error class, which is a general classification of the error. The last three digits represent the specific error condition.

The table lists the error classes.

Error ClassDescription
00Successful completion
03General drror
10Invalid user input
11Configuration error
12Insufficient privileges
13Unsupported feature
14Missing object
15Schema migration
16Procedural language migration
17Data loading

If there's an error reported back by a specific database server, this error message is prefixed with DB-. For example, if table creation fails due to an existing table in a Postgres database server, the error code 42P07 is returned by the database server. The specific error in the Migration Toolkit log appears as DB-42P07.

Error code summary

In the following tables, the column Error code lists the Migration Toolkit error codes. The Message and resolution column contains the message displayed with the error code. The message explains the cause of the error and how to resolve it.

In the Message and resolution column, $NAME is a placeholder for information that is substituted at runtime with the appropriate value.

Class 02 - Warning

This class represents the warning messages.

Error codeMessage and resolution
MTK-02000All the warnings that relate to this class and don't have a specific error code binding use this error code.
MTK-02001Run 'runMTK -help' to see the usage details.
MTK-02002Warning! The offline migration path $OFFLINE_PATH does not exist, the scripts will be created under the user home folder.

Class 10 - Invalid user input

This class represents invalid user input values.

Error CodeMessage and Resolution
MTK-10000All the errors that relate to this class and don't have a specific error code binding use this error code.
MTK-10001You cannot select information_schema, dbo, sys, or pg_catalog as target schemas. These are used to store metadata information in $DATABASE.
MTK-10002The '-schemaOnly' and '-dataOnly' options cannot be specified at the same time.
MTK-10003The ''\t'' is required as a copyDelimiter, when using escapeTabDelimiter option.
MTK-10004The -truncLoad option can only be given with the -dataOnly option.
MTK-10005The '-dataOnly' option is applicable only for -allTables/-tables option. Schema DDL cannot be copied when this option is in place.
MTK-10006The -constraints, -indexes and -triggers options are applicable only in the context of -allTables/-tables option.
MTK-10007The '-vacuumAnalyze' and '-analyze' options cannot be specified at the same time.
MTK-10008The -skipFKConst option can only be given with -constraints option.
MTK-10009The -skipCKConst option can only be given with -constraints option.
MTK-10010The -fastCopy option cannot be specified with -schemaOnly option.
MTK-10011The -skipColDefaultClause cannot be specified with -dataOnly option.
MTK-10012The '-customColTypeMapping' and '-customColTypeMappingFile' options cannot be specified at the same time.
MTK-10013Provided default date time must be in following format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss'. Time portion is optional, to specify time, the underscore symbol '_' is necessary.
MTK-10014You cannot select MySQL and Sybase as the target database for migration.
MTK-10015Copy delimiter should be a single character.
MTK-10016Batch size should be between 1 - 50000.
MTK-10017Invalid number for batch size, use a number from 1-50000.
MTK-10018Copy Batch Size should be in the range from 1 to 1024.
MTK-10019Invalid number for Copy Batch Size, use a number > 0.
MTK-10020Fetch Size should be greater than 0.
MTK-10021Invalid number for Fetch Size, use a number > 0.
MTK-10022One or more of the command-line arguments is invalid.
MTK-10023The -targetDBVersion value should be specified using major.minor pattern.
MTK-10024The -targetDBVersion can only be used with -offlineMigration mode.
MTK-10025Options (-constraints | -indexes | -triggers | -tables | -views | -sequences | -procs | -funcs | -packages | -synonyms) cannot be used with multiple schemas option.
MTK-10026The -allSchemas option should be specified as the last option in the command-line options list.
MTK-10027You have specified invalid command-line arguments. Run 'runMTK -help' to see the usage details.
MTK-10028The -replaceNullChar cannot be specified with -schemaOnly option.
MTK-10029The -nullReplacementChar can only be specified with -replaceNullChar option.
MTK-10030The -ignoreCheckConstFilter can only be given with -constraints option.
MTK-10031The -enableConstBeforeDataLoad can only be given with -truncLoad option.
MTK-10032The retryCount value should be greater than 0.
MTK-10033Invalid number for retryCount, use a number > 0.
MTK-10034The loaderCount value should be greater than 0.
MTK-10035Invalid number for loaderCount, use a number > 0.
MTK-10036Cannot use singleDataFile option for offline data migration in COPY format.
MTK-10037The offline data migration in COPY format is supported only when PostgreSQL or EnterpriseDB (EDB Postgres Advanced Server) is the target database.
MTK-10038The $SCHEMA cannot be used as schema name in $DATABASE. Choose a different schema name via -targetSchema option.
MTK-10039Log file size should be greater than 0.
MTK-10040Log file count should be greater than or equal to 0.
MTK-10041Offline migration can only be used with schema only option.
MTK-10042The copyViaDBLinkOra option can only be used for copying data from Oracle to EnterpriseDB.
MTK-10043The -recreateConst option can only be given with the -dataOnly option.
MTK-10044The $DATABASE database type is not supported by Migration Toolkit. Specify a valid database type string (i.e., EnterpriseDB, Postgres, Oracle, SQLServer, Sybase, or MySQL).
MTK-10045The URL specified for the $DATABASE database is invalid. Check the connectivity credentials.
MTK-10046The -escapeKeywords value may be true or false.
MTK-10047The -useOraCase option can only be used for migration from Oracle.
MTK-10048The Postgres exported snapshot id is invalid.
MTK-10049The URL specified for the Oracle database is not supported by dblink_ora. Check the connectivity credentials and provide a valid URL.
MTK-10050The schema $SCHEMA not found on source database.
MTK-10051The skipUserSchemaCreation option can only be used for user migration from Oracle to EnterpriseDB.
MTK-10052The -truncLoad option cannot be used with offline data migration.
MTK-10053The -parallelLoadRowLimit should be greater than 0.
MTK-10054Invalid number for -parallelLoadRowLimit, use an integer in the range of 1 to $MAX_LIMIT.
MTK-10055The -parallelLoadRowLimit cannot be specified with -schemaOnly option.
MTK-10056The -loaderCount cannot be specified with -schemaOnly option.
MTK-10057The -tableLoaderLimit should be greater than 0.
MTK-10058Invalid number for -tableLoaderLimit, use an integer in the range of 1 to $MAX_LIMIT.
MTK-10059The -tableLoaderLimit cannot be specified with -schemaOnly option.
MTK-10060The parallel loading options (-loaderCount, -parallelLoadRowLimit, -tableLoaderLimit) are only supported for Oracle, EnterpriseDB and PostgreSQL source databases.
MTK-10061The -fastCopy cannot be specified with table-level parallel loading context (-tableLoaderLimit > 1).
MTK-10062The '-copyViaDBLinkOra' option cannot be used with offline data migration.
MTK-10063The permutation of source database type $DATABASE and target database type $DATABASE is not supported.
MTK-10064The '-tables' and '-excludeTables' options cannot be specified at the same time. Please specify one of the options.
MTK-10065The '-views' and '-excludeViews' options cannot be specified at the same time. Please specify one of the options.
MTK-10066The table name should be schema qualified when used in multiple schemas context.
MTK-10067The '-sequences' and '-excludeSequences' options cannot be specified at the same time. Please specify one of the options.
MTK-10068The '-procs' and '-excludeProcs' options cannot be specified at the same time. Please specify one of the options.
MTK-10069The '-funcs' and '-excludeFuncs' options cannot be specified at the same time. Please specify one of the options.
MTK-10070The '-packages' and '-excludePackages' options cannot be specified at the same time. Please specify one of the options.
MTK-10071The '-synonyms' and '-excludeSynonyms' options cannot be specified at the same time. Please specify one of the options.
MTK-10072The '-queues' and '-excludeQueues' options cannot be specified at the same time. Please specify one of the options.
MTK-10073The connRetryCount value should be between 0 and 50.
MTK-10074Invalid value for connRetryCount, use a number between 0 and 50.
MTK-10075The connRetryInterval value should be between 0 and 900.
MTK-10076Invalid value for 'connRetryInterval', use a number between 0 and 900.
MTK-10077The '-pgIdleTxSessionTimeOut' value should be greater than 0.
MTK-10078The argument '-$OPTION' cannot start with '--'.
MTK-10079The last argument should be the schema name without any option context.
MTK-10080The value $VALUE is specified without any option.
MTK-10081The command-line argument '-$OPTION' is not supported.
MTK-10082The value of the option '-$OPTION' can be either 'true' or 'false'.
MTK-10083The value of the option '-$OPTION' can be either 'on' or 'off'.
MTK-10084The '-$OPTION' option cannot be used without a value.
MTK-10085The source schema name should not start with '-' or '--'.

Class 11 - Configuration issues

This class represents invalid configuration settings in the file or in any other configuration file used by the Migration Toolkit.

Error codeMessage and resolution
MTK-11000All the errors that relate to this class and don't have a specific error code binding use this error code.
MTK-11001The properties file containing table filter clause cannot be loaded.
MTK-11002The custom type mapping file couldn't be loaded. Reason: $REASON.
MTK-11003The custom type mapping file contains an invalid mapping entry.
MTK-11004The custom type mapping file doesn't contain any mapping entry.
MTK-11005Connectivity information for source database is not available.
MTK-11006Connectivity information for target database is not available.
MTK-11007Unable to create the logs directory. $PATH.
MTK-11008The properties file containing table columns filter list cannot be loaded.
MTK-11009Error Connecting Database $DATABASE.
MTK-11010Error loading $DBLINKORA_FILE file.
MTK-11011Error while loading DBLink Ora module. $DBLINKORA_MODULE. Verify that dblink_ora is installed/configured on target EnterpriseDB server. Please see the Database Compatibility for Oracle Developer's Guide for more information about installing and configuring the dblink_ora module.
MTK-11012Error while loading given DBLink_Ora module. $DBLINKORA_MODULE. Verify that dblink_ora is installed/configured on target EnterpriseDB server. Please see the Database Compatibility for Oracle Developer's Guide for more information about installing and configuring the dblink_ora module.
MTK-11013Could not load DBLinkOra Module.
MTK-11014Error connecting to DBLinkOra.
MTK-11015The connection credentials file $TOOLKIT_PROP_FILE is not secure and accessible to group/others users. This file contains plain passwords and should be restricted to Migration Toolkit owner user only.
MTK-11016Data loader task failed to initialize. Reason: $REASON

Class 12 - Insufficient privileges

This class represents insufficient privilege errors for loading database user/role information.

Error codeMessage and resolution
MTK-12000All the errors that relate to this class and don't have a specific error code binding use this error code.
MTK-12001The user/role migration failed due to insufficient privileges. Grant the user SELECT privilege on the following Oracle catalogs: DBA_ROLES, DBA_USERS, DBA_TAB_PRIVS, DBA_PROFILES, DBA_ROLE_PRIVS, ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS, DBA_SYS_PRIVS.
MTK-12002The migration of privileges failed due to insufficient privileges. Grant the user SELECT privilege on the following Oracle catalog: dba_tab_privs.

Class 13 - Unsupported features

This class represents errors related to the migration of unsupported objects and clauses. Either the target database has not implemented the given object, or the Migration Toolkit doesn't handle its migration.

Error codeMessage and resolution
MTK-13000All the errors that relate to this class and don't have a specific error code binding use this error code.
MTK-13001Skipping index as Oracle does not allow multiple indexes against same column list.
MTK-13002For $DATABASE views migration is not supported.
MTK-13003For $DATABASE roles migration is not supported.
MTK-13004You cannot migrate triggers, sequences, procedures, functions, packages and synonyms for MySQL, SQL Server, and Sybase databases.
MTK-13005You cannot migrate sequences and packages for SQL Server database.
MTK-13006Given trigger is not migrated, the trigger is owned by a different user schema and cross-schema triggers are not supported by EnterpriseDB.
MTK-13007The given trigger is not migrated, the trigger has WHEN clause which is not supported by EnterpriseDB.
MTK-13008Skipping Database Link $DATABASE_LINK. EnterpriseDB currently does not support this type of Database Link.
MTK-13009Warning! Skipping migration of trigger $TRIGGER, currently non-table triggers are not supported in target database.
MTK-13010You cannot migrate procedures, packages, synonyms and database links to PostgreSQL database.
MTK-13011Domain objects are not supported in target database.
MTK-13012Rules are not supported in $DATABASE database.
MTK-13013The database type is not supported.
MTK-13015$TYPE is Not Supported by COPY.
MTK-13016The migration to PostgreSQL is supported only when Oracle or PostgreSQL is the source database.
MTK-13017Groups are not supported in $DATABASE database.
MTK-13018Profile migration is not supported in $SRC_DB to $TARGET_DB permutation.
MTK-13019Cannot migrate unknown Profile $PROFILE.
MTK-13020Profiles cannot be migrated to database version $VERSION.
MTK-13021Password Profile verify function $MY_VERIFICATION_FUNCTION must be explicitly migrated.
MTK-13022Advanced Queues migration is not supported from $SRC_DB database to $TARGET_DB database.
MTK-13023Advanced Queues cannot be migrated to database version $VERSION.
MTK-13024The INTERVAL partition is not supported in $DATABASE, the table will be migrated without INTERVAL definition.
MTK-13025Warning! User profile migration is not supported in target database version $VERSION. The profile "$PROFILE" for user "$USER" will be skipped.
MTK-13026Object Type migration is not supported from $SRC_DB to $TARGET_DB.
MTK-13027Migration is not supported from $DATABASE database for PDB Admin schemas/users with PDB_DBA role.
MTK-13028PostgreSQL 10 and earlier versions do not support stored procedures.

Class 14 - Missing objects

This class represents failures to find metadata information in the source database.

Error codeMessage and resolution
MTK-14000All the errors that relate to this class and don't have a specific error code binding use this error code.
MTK-14001One or more tables are missing from the source $DATABASE database.
MTK-14002One or more tables couldn't be found in the source $DATABASE database. With -tables mode, the table name should be in uppercase unless it is case-sensitive.
MTK-14003One or more users couldn't be found in the source $DATABASE database. With -users mode, the user name should be in uppercase unless it is case-sensitive.

Class 15 - Schema migration

The class represents migration issues related to nonprocedural database objects such as tables, constraints, indexes, synonyms, views, users, and roles.

Error codeMessage and resolution
MTK-15000All the errors that relate to this class and don't have a specific error code binding use this error code.
MTK-15001Error creating constraint $CONSTRAINT.
MTK-15002Error creating role $ROLE.
MTK-15003Error granting given privilege $PRIVILEGE on $OBJECT to $USER.
MTK-15004Error granting $ROLE to $USER.
MTK-15005Error granting privilege $REASON.
MTK-15006Error creating user $USER.
MTK-15007Error creating index $INDEX.
MTK-15008Error creating view $VIEW.
MTK-15009Error creating materialized view $MVIEW.
MTK-15010Error creating public synonym $SYNONYM.
MTK-15011Error creating private synonym $SYNONYM.
MTK-15012Error creating sequence $SEQUENCE.
MTK-15013Error creating table $TABLE.
MTK-15014Error creating database link $DATABASE_LINK.
MTK-15015Error creating given object type $OBJECT_TYPE.
MTK-15016The table $TABLE could not be created in $DATABASE database.
MTK-15017The linked schema $LINKED_SCHEMA doesn't exist in the target database. Create the schema and then retry.
MTK-15018Error creating domain $DOMAIN.
MTK-15019Error creating custom data type $DATA_TYPE.
MTK-15020Error creating membership for group $GROUP.
MTK-15021Table name $TABLE does not have a schema qualifier. With multiple schema migration context, each table should be schema qualified.
MTK-15022Schema qualifier $SCHEMA does not match the schema list.
MTK-15023The table metadata information is not available.
MTK-15024Tables list is not initialized yet.
MTK-15025Error while getting database metadata information.
MTK-15026Error creating group $GROUP.
MTK-15027Error creating Profile $PROFILE.

Class 16 - Procedural language migration

The class represents migration issues related to database objects that are based on procedural languages such as procedures, functions, packages, anonymous blocks, triggers, and rules.

Error codeMessage and resolution
MTK-16000All the errors that relate to this class and don't have a specific error code binding use this error code.
MTK-16001Error Creating Trigger $TRIGGER.
MTK-16002Error Creating Rule $RULE.
MTK-16003Error Creating Package Spec $PACKAGE.
MTK-16004Error Creating Package Body $PACKAGE.
MTK-16005Package Body is invalid, skipping... Note: This error message also appears when a package specification is successfully migrated, but there is no corresponding package body in the source database. In this case, the package specification should function properly in the target database despite the appearance of the error message.
MTK-16006Error Creating Procedure $PROCEDURE.
MTK-16007Error Creating Function $FUNCTION.
MTK-16008Error Creating Anonymous Block $BLOCK.
MTK-16009Error creating Queue $QUEUE.

Class 17 - Data loading

This class represents errors that can occur while copying data from the source to the target database.

Error codeMessage and resolution
MTK-17000All the errors that relate to this class and don't have a specific error code binding use this error code.
MTK-17001Error Loading Data into Table: $TABLE
MTK-17002Encoding Conversion encountered some characters that will be loaded using Bulk Inserts instead.
MTK-17003Error in copy tables $REASON.
MTK-17004Invalid DataType.
MTK-17005This Table Contains CLOB data, Marked for Bulk Insert Loading.
MTK-17006One of the table loader threads failed while copying data for table $TABLE.